About this item:
- ???Time and Money Saver?Helpful-Locating & tracking buried and hidden wires.No more calls,no more cost, find and fix it by yourself.
- ???Before Buying?Please check what kind of wire you want to locate. Only for single-strand wire, or double-strand wire in parallel, not for multistrand wire!
- ???How to Use?Easily Locate Pet Fence Wires, Metal Wires, Metal Pipes, Electrical Wires, ect
- ???Where You Can Locate?Locate-Determining Which Receptacles are on specific circuits,track-Pinpointing Drill Sites before drilling.
Product description
Kolsol is a leading brand and manufacture LCD cable tester, Cable length tester, Optic multimeters ,CCTV monitor tester, HD cable tester, Toolkits since in 2010.
We develop tools and products for home using to help our customers know their home better.
Find and fix it by yourself.